Unsolicited Bulk Email Communications (SPAM) Policy
Unsolicited Email SPAM is defined as electronic mail that is unrequested by the recipient and is of an advertising or promotional nature.
"E-mail spam, known as unsolicited bulk Email (UBE), junk mail, or unsolicited
commercial email (UCE), is the practice of sending unwanted e-mail messages,
frequently with commercial content, in large quantities to an indiscriminate set
of recipients. Spam in e-mail started to become a problem when the Internet was
opened up to the general public in the mid-1990s. It grew exponentially over the
following years, and today composes some 80 to 85% of all the email in the
world, by a conservative estimate" - Wikipedia
ServerHub does not tolerate behavior that is related to UBE or UCE
activity on our network. In addition all Email that is transmitted through our
network must be
CAN-SPAM Act compliant.
In most cases, if we are unable to verify a new dedicated server registration, we will take
steps to block Port 25 and any other mail port until the user has either:
a) Verified themselves or b)
has been registered with us for 90 days without incident
For more information regarding Federal Policy of the United States of America
regarding CAN-SPAM ACT as well as our policies surrounding the act please
visit this link.
Violations of this policy may result in a range of actions, including:
- Limits on Account Privileges
- Loss or Limitation of IP Address Resources
- Restriction of Assigned IP Address Resources for a predetermined period of time.
- Restrictions of Port 25 on Assigned Resources
- Account Restriction
- Account Suspension
- Assessment of Additional Fees & Surcharges
- Loss of Preferred Member Status
- Referral to Law Enforcement
- Account Termination
If you have additional questions regarding this policy or wish to report this type of activity
with included headers to us please feel free to
contact us.
NOTE: We take every report seriously. If you submit a complaint please