False and Missing Contact Information
Falsifying or omitting contact information such as a member's name, address, and/or telephone number when registering for service with ServerHub® is not permitted. It is also not permitted to use fax or disconnected numbers as a telephone number.
1. Some Examples:
John Smith lives at 10 Jackson Street. John registers with ServerHub®, but says his name is Bob Jones, and that he lives at 12 Broad Street. John has violated the False or Missing Contact Information policy, and can expect notification from ServerHub® regarding this violation.
John's brother Ryan also lives at 10 Jackson Street. Ryan registers with us, using his real name and address, but using an old phone number that no longer works. Ryan has violated the False or Missing Contact Information policy, and can expect notification from ServerHub® regarding this violation.
2. Why does ServerHub® have this policy?
The success of our marketplace is dependent on trust and transparency. Providing false contact information undermines both of these principles. Further, in the event of any account related problems we are unable to contact you to discuss matters related to your account.
3. How does ServerHub® actively enforce this policy to ensure compliance?
As we are committed to the safety and security of our network, from time to time ServerHub® will take appropriate steps to ensure contact information that is submitted to us is valid.
Accounts are selected at random and investigated for compliance with this policy, if an account is in violation of this policy through our proactive investigations, depending on the account we may place temporary account restrictions or suspensions until the offending member has provided information that is valid and proven.
It is also general policy that we investigate and scrutinize accounts that are opened within the first 60 days of registration to ensure that this policy is strictly enforced.
If you engage at anytime in this activity, your account is in violation of this policy.
4. Violations of this policy may result in a range of actions, including:
- Limits on Account Privileges
- Account Restriction
- Account Suspension
If you have additional questions regarding this policy or wish to report this type of activity to us please feel free to contact us.